The increasing use of plastics and limited
recycling has led to an exponential rise in
the quantum of plastic waste. Globally,
over 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been
produced since the early 1950s and about
60% of that has ended up in landfills or in
the natural environment
India generates 9.46 million tonnes of
plastic waste annually, of which 40%
remains uncollected; 43% is used for
packaging, most of which is single-use.
However, India has also announced its
commitment to eliminate all single-use
plastic by 2022, one of the most ambitious
targets in the world, across 60 countries
that have made commitments to address
this issue.
Businesses, in particular, have a vital role
to play in this paradigm shift from a plastic
dependent ecosystem, towards a more
sustainable, circular economy. They have
the ability to influence change at the micro
and macro level and can help address this
issue at every step of the economic value
chain, rapidly and at scale.